Saturday, 17 April 2010

Audience Feedback

For my feedback I asked mainly people in my age bracket aswell as my teachers as they all fall into my target audience. The most notable positive thing many of them said about the film was the contrast of the scenes of the chase and the peaceful shots of the forest and how this also builds up tension and suspense well. The use of a white flash to cut between the chase and present time was also praised for the shock value of not knowing what the killer is going to do to realising the victim is dead. The audience said how it created mystery to how and why he killed her. One audience member stated 'Impressive, I like the use of non-diegetic sound to create atmosphere (the heart beat, the sinister music) and the black and white imagery to represent the flashback.' I am very encouraged by this feedback as the parts of the film mentioned were parts where I had a desired effect, which seems to have worked.

A late addition I made to my film was the flash of a lotus flower right at the end of it accompanied by a heart beat. As it was such a late addition and was not in my planning stages, I decided to survey a few target audience members to whether they felt it added to the film opening.
Out of ten people asked, nine felt it was a good way to end the movie and also praised it for the surprise factor. The one person's reservation was that it didn't fit into the film, but because of the response from the other people, I am going to disagree with this sentiment.

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